“We fight. We dare. We end our Hunger for Justice.”

In the Hunger Games Katniss says, “we fight, we dare, we end our hunger for justice” to try to sway the districts to follow her lead and rally the people of Panem to revolt in the third book of the trilogy, Mockingjay. This idea is similar to the themes in the  movie, Seven Samurai. The villagers are hopeless and tired of always being beaten by bandits just like the citizens that lived in the districts of Panem were tired of being controlled by the Capitol. “We fight” and “we dare” show that even if there is only a small glimpse of hope, you need to persevere and take a chance and hope that it will pay off in the end. The people in the village in Japan and the citizens of Panem all yearn for freedom from the people that are controlling their lives. The oppressed people, in Japan or Panem, are tired of always starving and yearn for freedom and independence. They want to pay back their oppressors for all the wrong that was done to them.

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